This is the title of a 1989 comedy movie directed by Arthur Miller, about the shenanigans of two characters – one of them deaf and the other blind – both…
Most psychological currents metaphorically refer to childhood as a lost paradise, hence the term kindergarten (from German – “children garden”). Thus, for adults, a key therapeutic approach for a healthy…
Sexism came to the fore with an infamous kiss at the Women’s World Cup final last year. Sabine Stork, Silvia Artiñano and Diana Regidor explore the divides in Spanish society….
The new mobility scenario from the perspective of millennials. 1.How do I want to travel today? 2. Trends, brands and services that are making a mark on mobility 3. What…
Meeting young people. A journey through lockdown in Spain. Click here to read the report: Beyond Covid-19
Approach to online communities In recent years, the online platform has grown in strength and presence as a tremendously versatile and dynamic tool for fieldwork. It is originally used to…
How many years have we been hearing about the digital transformation and how absolutely necessary it is for business to get on board if they want to last? The current…
I know, it is devastating, unprecedented, shocking and many more adjectives that I could go on listing, but the question remains: Do we really have something to thank this terrible…
Introduction The ethnography is the angular stone of the Anthropology and, for mention, of Social Sciences. Ethnography is a lot of things at the same time, but I would like…
What is International Qual research? During my nearly 20 year career as an International qual researcher in the UK and Spain, I sometimes got the impression that some could see…