Concept research: when to request this methodology?

concept research

Do you have a great idea but don’t know if it will have good results? If the answer to this question is yes, at Arpo we recommend you request our concept research service. This market research method is based on asking customers from different sectors about a product before it is launched on the market. With this methodology, you can measure the acceptance and willingness to buy of your consumers, which will help you make decisions and solve possible problems that may arise before its launch.

For what uses is concept research effective?

One of the main objectives of this method of market research is to demonstrate and verify the functionality of the product or service to be developed. For this reason, today we want to highlight a series of cases in which the results of this method can be very useful and effective. If your idea is among one of these, requesting our specialized service in this methodology will be a good decision for your company. The ones we highlight are the following:

  • Product development: The great majority of businesses that decide to hire this type of methodology, do so with the objective of making decisions before launching their new products. Thanks to this, it is possible to know which features are of interest to their customers, and which are not.
  • Home page redesign: We know that creating a new home page design for your website is a difficult task. With this method, you will be able to present different ideas to your clients and have them give you feedback on how they have experimented with them, and you will be able to troubleshoot the errors before the final launch.
  • Creation and testing of new logos: If you want to change your company’s logo, an essential part of your corporate identity, it is fundamental to know the opinion of your potential public. This feedback will help you to come up with a design that is more attractive to your customers.
  • Make offers and establish prices: This methodology is very useful for making new offers and resetting new prices in your business. This is because you will be able to identify what their preferences are and even how much money they would pay for a certain product or service.
  • Execute an advertisement: With the results of this type of study, you can obtain information about which messages work among your clientele and thus be able to apply them in your next advertising campaign.

Come to Arpo to find expertise and services tailored to your needs

If you want to carry out concept research, we are your trustworthy company. Our professionals have broad experience and knowledge to carry out market research in all sectors. By soliciting any of our services, you will find a personalized treatment adapted to your company’s needs and objectives, so that you get the best and most useful results to make the best decisions when launching a product or service. Do not hesitate to contact us, in Arpo we will be pleased to give you all the information you require.